Bachelor of Engineering Programme in Computer Engineering

School of Applied Digital Technology


Degree Academic Programme Length of Programme
B.Eng. Computer Engineering 4 Years


Programme’s Philosophy

The main philosophy of this programme is to create graduates who abide by moral and ethical principles, in addition to possessing computer engineering knowledge and expertise, particularly in the fields of embedded systems and smart control systems, to be ready to create innovations or pursue relevant careers or entrepreneurship.


Programme’s Objectives

1. Profound knowledge of computer engineering, in response to the needs in the labour, industrial, public, private and entrepreneurial sectors;

2. Skills in conducting research and potential for advanced studies; and

3. Discipline, creativity and the ability to deliver well-organised performance, in addition to abidance by ethical and moral principles.


Programme’s Highlights


Career Opportunities


Programme Learning Outcomes: PLOs


Tuition and Fees

  • 36,400 Baht per semester
  • 291,200 Baht per programme


Programme Structure

  • Programme Structure
    • Bachelor of Engineering Programme in Computer Engineering
    • Total credits: 132 credits (4-year Bachelor’s Degree)

      1. General Education Course 30 credits

      2. Specific Requirement Course 87 credits

           2.1 Core Course 30 credits

           2.2 Major Required Course 36 credits

           2.3 Major Elective Course 21 credits

                      3.  Co-operative Education 9 credits

                      4. Free Elective Course 6 credits

(Refer to Bachelor of Engineering Program in Computer Engineering Year 2022)