Bachelor of Education Programme in Teaching Chinese Language

School of Sinology


Degree Academic Programme Length of Programme
B.Ed. Teaching Chinese Language 4 Years


Programme’s Philosophy

The Bachelor of Education Program in Teaching Chinese Language focuses on producing professional Chinese language teachers for the new era who can effectively convey knowledge and language skills in Chinese to learners in the 21st century. The program aims to foster creativity, a positive attitude towards the profession, emotional intelligence, and a commitment to professional ethics. Graduates are expected to have a deep understanding of the Chinese language, as well as knowledge about China, Chinese culture, technology, innovation, and the science of teaching. They should be able to continuously develop and modernize teaching methods, creating a joyful learning environment in diverse Chinese language classrooms.


Programme’s Objectives

  1. The program aims to produce graduates with knowledge and proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translating in Chinese. Additionally, they will possess effective skills in language teaching and a deep understanding of Chinese culture. These graduates will be equipped to facilitate efficient and contemporary learning experiences in the 21st century, catering to students at the elementary, secondary, vocational, and general levels.
  2. The program aims to Develop graduates with classroom management skills, curriculum development and analysis capabilities, instructional design proficiency, and the ability to be creative, assess, and apply innovative media and information technology for learning.
  3. The program aims to develop graduates with skills and potential that align with the needs of the digital economy era, the 21st century, and the ability to adapt to work within the context of a multicultural society while upholding Thai cultural values.
  4. The program aims to cultivate graduates with morality and ethics, a sense of social responsibility, the ability to collaborate with communities and parents in the development of students, and to uphold professional ethics and a positive attitude towards the teaching profession.
  5. The program aims to establish graduates with a thirst for knowledge, the ability for continuous self-development and professional growth, the capability to integrate various fields of knowledge, and skills for lifelong learning.
  6. The program aims to increase graduates with high potential for information research, effective communication, and the use of research processes and self-directed learning methods through diverse channels and media.


Programme’s Highlights

  1. An education bachelor degree certified by the Teachers' Council of Thailand. Upon graduate of the program, graduates have the right to take an examination to apply for a professional teaching license in accordance with the standards of the Teachers' Council of Thailand.
  2. The muti activities to promote the development of teaching skills that align with the nature of Chinese language instruction.
  3. Developing professional Chinese language proficiency skills through instruction by both Chinese and Thai lecturers.
  4. Collaborating with various universities in China and providing scholarship opportunities for short-term studies in China.


Career Opportunities

Professions related to teaching Chinese language, such as teachers, educators, language researchers, language educators, instructional designers, school administrators, tutors, or other occupations related to the use of the Chinese language.


Programme Learning Outcomes: PLOs

  • PLO1:     Professional ethics for teachers include self-sacrifice, honesty, integrity, justice, a sense of public duty, and prioritizing the common good. Teachers should be able to impart positive values of Thailand to students.
  • PLO2:     Proficient in the Chinese language with listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills at the level equivalent to HSK5 (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi Chinese Proficiency Test). Possesses knowledge about Chinese culture, society, and is well-informed about changes in China. Additionally, has expertise in educational science for learners both within and outside the formal education system.
  • PLO3:    Integrates knowledge of Chinese language teaching systematically and creatively with other disciplines.
  • PLO4:    Adapts to working within a multicultural context and has a sense of responsibility towards the profession.
  • PLO5:    Ability to adapt and utilize information technology for appropriate information retrieval, both quantitative and qualitative analysis, possess critical thinking skills in data screening, demonstrate effective communication in diverse situations, design and present suitable and creative media, and continuously develop oneself.
  • PLO6:    Capable of managing education, administering and developing a curriculum, and managing learning resources that align with the transformative Learning for  diverse learners to enhance learning skills in the 21st century


Tuition and Fees

  • 32,500 Baht per semester
  • 325,000 Baht per programme


Programme Structure

Total credits:  146 credits (4-year Bachelor’s Degree)
1. General Education Course           30  credits
2. Specific Requirement Course      110  credits
1) Teaching Core Course           41    credits
        2) Major Required Course           60    credits
        3) Major Elective Course                 9    credits
3. Free Elective Course            6    credits 

(Refer to Bachelor of Arts Program in Bachelor of Education Program in Teaching Chinese Language Year 2020)
