Announcement of the 2nd-Round Undergraduate Applicants Who Are Accepted to Study at MFU (1-2025)

Categories: Top Stories

Mae Fah Luang University is pleased to announce the second round of undergraduate applicants accepted to study at MFU in the first semester of the academic year 2025.

>>Click to see the full list here<<

1. Successful applicants can complete the new student registration system and pay tuition fees from 2 – 9 April 2025.
2. Applicants accepted with conditions should follow these steps:

  • Pay the Placement Test fee through the system within 21 March 2025
  • After paying the Placement Test fee, complete the new student registration system and pay tuition fees from 2 – 9 April 2025.
  • Attend the online exam system testing on 30 June 2025
  • Take the online MFU Placement Test on 1 July 2025.

3. After applicants complete the registration process and pay the fees, the university will issue the acceptance letter and necessary documents for visa application by May 2025. 

**Find essential information for new students at 

Notes for MFU Placement Test:
1. The MFU English Placement Test fee is 500 baht.
2. Fees are non-refundable.
3. Applicants must attend the online exam system testing on 30 June 2025. Applicants who miss the testing, applicants are responsible for any system-related problems on the exam date (1 July 2025).

MFU Placement Test Payment Methods:
Step 1 : Access the online application link  
Step 2: Choose menu "Placement test fee payment" 
Step 3: Choose a payment option (There are four options for the applicants to select)
- Option 1: Credit card with a 2.5% processing fee (including VAT)
- Option 2: Union pay
- Option 3: Printing invoice and paying in person at bank counter service
- Option 4: The QR code payment (only via Thai mobile banking applications)
*Applicants must pay the fee through the online system only. Direct bank transfers to the MFU account are not accepted.

**Please submit a proof of payment for the officer's reference to by 16.00 hrs. (Thailand time, UTC/GMT+7) each day.
For more information, please send E-mail to /


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