Master of Science Programme in Applied Chemistry

School of Science


Degree Academic Programme Plan Class Length of Programme
M.Sc. Applied Chemistry A1,A2 Mon-Fri 2 Years


Programme’s Philosophy

The Master of Science Program in Applied Chemistry emphasizes producing graduates with advanced knowledge and research in Natural Products Chemistry, Polymer Technology, or Analytical Chemistry to apply their knowledge  in  related fields with morality and ethics.


Programme’s Objectives

1. To produce graduates having advanced knowledge and research skills in Chemistry to apply their knowledge in related fields with morality and ethics.

2. To produce graduates having entrepreneurial skills.

3. To produce graduates having leadership.

4. To produce graduates having English communication.


Programme’s Highlights

1. Multi-disciplinary courses

2. Competent supervisor with current research topics.

3. Academic skill training.

4. Partial studentship supports.

   4.1 Research/Teaching assistance.

   4.2 Tuition fee waive.

   4.3. Thesis and conference.

5. National and international collaboration.

6. Oversea training.


Career Opportunities

1. Academic staff (Teachers, Lecturer, or Researchers).

2. Professional scientist.

3. Entrepreneur.

4. Innovator.


Program Learning Outcomes: PLOs

  • PLO1: Graduates possess advanced knowledge and research skills in Chemistry to apply their knowledge in related fields with morality and ethics.
  • PLO2: Graduates possess entrepreneurial skills.
  • PLO3:  Graduates possess leadership.
  • PLO4:  Graduates possess English communication.


Tuition and Fees

  • Plan A1, A2:
    • 45,500 Baht per semester
    • 182,000 Baht per programme


Programme Structure

  • Total Credits Required: 36
    • Plan A1: Thesis (36 Credits)
    • Plan A2: Coursework (15 Credits) and Thesis (21 Credits)

(Refer to Master of Science Program in Applied Chemistry Year 2022)



  • A1 = Thesis (not less than 36 credits), no course work
  • A2 = Thesis (not less than 12 credits) with course work (not less than 12 credits)
  • B = Coursework (No Thesis) with Independent Study (IS) or Special Project (not less than 3 credits but not over 6 credits)