Bachelor of Science Programme in Sports and Health Science

School of Health Science


Degree Academic Programme Length of Programme
B.Sc. Sports and Health Science 4 Years

Programme’s Philosophy

          True success is not in the learning but in its application to the benefit of mankind

Programme’s Objectives

This program aims to produce graduates who are competent in sports science and health according to international standards. The graduate must have outstanding skills in personal fitness training of all ages. The graduate must have transformational leadership skills in physical fitness. The graduates must be able to co-create innovations in sport and health sciences that integrate digital technology and related sciences. And the graduates can use a third language for careers. The graduates must have independent entrepreneurship in society and multiculturalism that can keep up with the changes of the society of the world that support the aging society. During the past decade, the program has produced about 250 BSc graduates equipped with profound SHS technical knowledge and the 21st century skills to serve the community and private sectors.

Programme’s Highlights

Emphasis on teaching and learning management with Cooperative and Work Integrated Education

Career Opportunities

  1. Sports Scientist
  2. Physical fitness coach
  3. Personal Trainer
  4. Sports Coach
  5. Researcher
  6. Exercise instructor
  7. Sports and Exercise
  8. Governor
  9. Business owner
  10. Online exercise instructor

Programme Learning Outcomes: PLOs

•   ELO 1. Display the discipline, sacrifice, honest, adherence to correctness and ethics in occupation for sports, and health.

•   ELO 2. Analyze basic scientific principles, concepts, and theories. Basic Health Sciences Sports and Health business management and sports science according to international standards

•   ELO 3. Demonstrate leadership skills in physical fitness for all groups of people in the aging society through the knowledge of sports science.

•   ELO 4. Work as a team in a multicultural society with service mind. Have a responsibility and a desire to learn and keep up with the changes of the world society.

•   ELO 5. Perform skills in the application of digital technology to co-create innovations in science, sport, and health by linking or integrating basic science, health science, sports management and other sciences.


•   ELO 6. Perform work according to international standards. Which is outstanding in personal exercise coaching to promote health of all ages That can use a third language to work and become an entrepreneur in sports and fitness businesses that can be up to date with digital technology that supports the aging society.

Tuition and Fees

  • 32,500 Baht per semester
  • 260,000 Baht per programme

Programme Structure

  • Programme Structure
    • Bachelor of Science Programme in Sports and Health Science
    • Total credits: 130 credits (4-year Bachelor’s Degree)

      1. General Education Course 30 credits

      2. Specific Requirement Course 94 credits

            2.1  Core Course 30 credits

            2.2  Major Required Course 58 credits    

            2.3  Major Elective Course 6 credits    

      3. Free Elective Course 6 credits

(Refer to Bachelor of Science Program in Sports and Health Science Year 2020)