Bachelor of Economics Programme

School of Management


Degree Academic Programme Length of Programme
B.Econ. Economics 4 Years


Programme’s Philosophy

Our philosophy is “Economics for Future Society”. Due to the rapid changes in the world and our society, it is necessary to have economic innovators who readily adapt to future world and society. This is a reason why our curriculum is “Economics for Future Society”. We therefore desire to assist that our economic students and graduates are able to survive in disruptive world and to be a part of co-creators of future economic world.


Programme’s Objectives

We aim to produce the economic graduates who are able to apply knowledge and build up expertise using economic principles and tools in questioning, analyzing, planning and solving economic problems in the disruptive world. In addition, we support our graduates to be a part of co-creators of future economic world.

The economic graduates are expected to have ability to:

  1. Assess current economic situation,
  2. Understand the dynamic changes of the world economy, particularly in border economy, based on modern economic knowledge and tools.
  3. Have skills in data management, analysis as well as economic processing by using information technology and effectively communicating in digital society.
  4. Work in a multicultural society as well as pursue continuous learning.
  5. Be integrity, self- and social awareness, and ethically assertive.


Programme’s Highlights

- A comprehensive understanding of economic theory and its application to the real world.
- Develop a deep understanding of quantitative methods, including mathematical for economics, economic statistics and econometrics.
- Development of the skills necessary to apply economic theories and applications for individual, industry, and society.
- Learn about the impact of global economic forces on the local and regional economies.
- Understanding the function that information and communication technology play in the world economy.
- Access to real-world economic data and analysis, interpret data, and form evidence-based conclusions.
- Ability to work in a wide range of industries, both public and private sectors including local firms, government, international company, and international organisation.


Career Opportunities

Proficiency in English and Chinese for a wide-range job position as follows:

  1. Economists
  2. Analysts or Consultant in Trade and Investment
  3. Financial analysts & Financial Planner
  4. Analysts in Border and Regional Economy
  5. Risk Analysts
  6. Strategic planners
  7. Data Analysts
  8. Development Economists in Social Enterprises (or Non-Government Organization)
  9. Entrepreneurs, Startup, Self-employers & Freelance business

In addition, economic graduates have an opportunity to work with international organization, public and private sector in both domestic and international, such as Asian Development Bank (ADB), foreign banking institutions, domestic financial institutions, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Foreign Affair, Board of Investment (BOI) and Office of the National Economics and Social Development Council (NESDC).


Program Learning Outcomes: PLOs

1. Be able to work with applying modern economic knowledge to real situation and to realize the economy of future world.

2. Be able to systematically assess the current economic situation as well as the dynamics of the world economy, particularly in border economy, based on modern economic knowledge.

3. Having skills in data management, analysis as well as economic processing by using information technology and effectively communicating in digital society.

4. Having skills to work in a multicultural society and pursuing continuous learning.

5. Be integrity, self- and social awareness, and ethically assertive.


Tuition and Fees

  • 39,000 Baht per semester
  • 312,000 Baht per programme


Programme Structure

  • Programme Structure
    • Bachelor of Economics Programme
    • Total credits : 123  credits  (4-year Bachelor’s Degree)

       1. General Education Course 30 credits

       2. Specific Requirement Course 87 credits                                                   

             2.1 Core Course 18 credits

             2.2 Major Required Course 45 credits

             2.3 Major Elective Course 24 credits

      3. Free Elective Course 6 credits

(Refer to Bachelor of Economics Program Year 2022)