Bachelor of Business Administration Programme

School of Management


Degree Academic Programme Length of Programme
B.B.A. Business Administration 4 Years



  • Business Administration
  • Tourism Business and Events
  • Hospitality Business Management
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Aviation Business Management


Programme’s Philosophy

This curriculum pursues “Progressivism” education philosophy which aims to produce future business professionals who:
•    Possess well-constructed theories and practices
•    Are committed to life-long learning
•    Are equipped with the capabilities to adapt knowledge and skills in the global context and digital world
•    Comply with a professional code of ethics and governing regulations.
This curriculum offers five different majors including business administration, tourism business and events, hospitality industry management, logistics and supply chain management, and aviation business management.


Programme’s Objectives

The program aims to produce graduates who (can/are able to):
1) Demonstrate business ethics and good governance by being Social Responsible and following the Global Codes of Ethics of the United National World Tourism Organization (UNWTO);
2) Possess fundamental concepts and theories in core functional areas of business and the international context;
3) Demonstrate effective business communication skills
4) Demonstrate adaptability and accountability in a team setting and an awareness of the diversity of people.
5) Implement technology, and innovation for business plan creation, decision making, and problem solving.


Programme’s Highlights (Business Administration)

- Invite an entrepreneur to impart knowledge and experience in starting and managing both domestic and international business for students to learn integral skills and processes of becoming an entrepreneur.
- Learn through field trips in industries in order to observe models of successful business and resilient working processes that can follow the changes in business environments.
- Give lectures based on current business issues that let students do research to find appropriate solutions.
- Require students to do an internship for hands-on experience in a real work environment.
- Encourage students to participate in seminars from external parties or entrepreneurs.
- Provide program’s fundamental classes in the area of digital technology that can enhance student’s entrepreneurial skills needed for globalization for instance: digital marketing, e-business models, finance in digital era, digital business, etc.
- Invite guest speakers to impart experiences in managing digital business in order to update student’s skills in business.
- Learn through field trips in industries that implement digital technology.
- Encourage students to take the initiative in self-learning through projects and problem-based questions that relate to digital technology.
- Lecture in business morality and ethics for students to learn and take responsibility for society and environment.
- Lecture through problem-based business questions that cause concerns to society and the environment.
- Invite external experts to lecture on current issues of economic, society, and environment that change the business ecosystem.
- Hold a field trip for students in companies and industries that implement measures of social responsibility to get insight and learn the process of implementation.
- Encourage students to take initiative in planning volunteer activities and to manage the activities to succeed to the goals to stimulate learning process and to volunteer for mutual benefit


Programme’s Highlights (Tourism Business and Event)

Tourism Business and Event skills, attitudes, and knowledge 
The program is designed to provide essential knowledge and skills to students so as to excel in the relating Tourism Business and Events such as visitor experience design, tourism operation, events, accommodations, destination management and other related tourism system.  
Students must be able to explain creative technique and visitor experience concepts through project presentation and issues.
Through lectures, labs, group works, case study, site visits, special lecture from experience practitioners, and the external internship (minimum of 4-month period). 
Active learning is the main approach to instruct students in their learning during class time.
Ethical understanding and practices within the tourism and event areas 
-        The curriculum incorporates the Global Code of Ethics introduced and implemented by UNWTO- TedQual Certification into the curriculum. TedQual’s Code of Ethics are ethical standards and practices designed for the tourism and tourism related education. Students are encouraged to think about ethical and professional ethical issues through the use of real-life events, case studies, or special lecture from experience practitioners 
Trilingual skills in daily life usages
-        In addition to foreign language courses offered in General education, students are encouraged to explore five of the following third language which includes Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, and Bahasa Indonesian to enhance fundamental skills in communication and diary life usages.


Programme’s Highlights (Hospitality Business Management)

- Invite an entrepreneur to impart knowledge and experience in starting and managing both domestic and international hospitality business in order for students to learn integral skills and processes of becoming an entrepreneur.
- Learn through field trips in industries in order to observe models of successful business and resilient working processes that can follow the changes in business environments.
- Give lectures based on current hospitality business issues that let students do research to find appropriate solutions.
- Require students to do an internship for hands-on experience in a real work environment.
- Encourage students to participate in seminars from external parties or entrepreneurs in hospitality business.
- Through lectures, case study and guest speaker for personality development and service mind.


Programme’s Highlights (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)

Logistics and Supply Chain skills, attitudes, and knowledge

- The program is designed to provide essential knowledge and skills to students in the relating Logistics and Supply Chain Management such as specialized technical, analytical, and creative skills which are fundamental to problem solving and decision making
- Students must be able to cultivate skills in problem identification, research design, data analysis and problem solving and exploit those skills to enhance innovation and facilitate process optimization
- Ethical understanding and practices within the logistics and supply chain areas
- Students are encouraged to think about ethical and professional ethical issues through the use of real-life events, case studies, or special lecture from experience practitioners with corporate social responsibility, working to produce products and services in a way that treats its workers and the environment ethically


Programme’s Highlights (Aviation Business Management)

Focusing on practical teaching by practicing the correct use of various technical terms in the aviation industry. Learning to communicate clearly and can choose the level of communication to suit the audience, such as talking to passengers or talk to staff

• Allow students to practice speaking clearly.
• Training from different situations.
• Practicing reaction speed to technical terms used.
• Creating scenarios and testing student communication
• Develop students' personalities by using different situations.

Aviation students will learn to identify problems from core business courses and build on their knowledge to solve problems in the aviation industry.

Instructor set up the topic for students to think about the point of view, problems identification, and basic solution ideas by workshop class..

Practice in integrated business tools; marketing, strategy, logistics, data analytics, and quantitative analysis by software.

Students will learn the real situation and update new knowledge from guest speakers.

Instructors were trained and learned under ICAO and IATA standards, which the class material will be relevant to the important topics and must be practiced in the aviation industry.

Students learn and practice using manuals and procedures.

Students will learn the real situation and update new knowledge from guest speakers.

Instructors have to test the response rate for deciding whether something is legal or illegal in aviation regulation. Instructors integrated the textbook with the current aviation situation news.

Students will learn modern aviation industry information and knowledge from guest speakers.

Instructors integrated various sciences with aviation business knowledge.

Career Opportunities

The Bachelor of Business Administration graduates may have a wide spectrum of career opportunities in private and public sectors. The graduates may serve in several industries such as business, aviation, hospitality, tourism, and logistics industries, etc. The graduate’s careers are very diverse and specialize in digital, for instance sales representatives, marketers, financial management executors, business data analysts, business strategists, human resources specialists, international business specialists, investment specialists, business planners, business developer, or even tour guides. 

Not only the business careers that graduates may have but the graduates also may work in other businesses and pursue other career paths. As the program aims to build graduates with business core competence and ability to adapt in different circumstances. Therefore, graduates may work in other possible careers. For example, flight attendances, passenger ground service agent, receptionist, chef, event organizer, air cargo officer, head of housekeepers, etc. Moreover, the graduates may operate their own businesses with the mindset equipped with social enterprise and digital literacy.


Program Learning Outcomes: PLOs

1) PLO1  Demonstrate business ethics and good governance in the business context
2) PLO2  Apply fundamental concepts and theories in core functional areas of business and the international context
3) PLO3  Propose business plans under dynamic contexts
4) PLO4  Work in diverse environment
5) PLO5 Apply innovation, digital technology, and data analytic techniques to propose solutions to business problems and to support decision making
6) PLO6  Demonstrate oral and writing skills in business communication


Tuition and Fees

1. Major: Business Administration 
- 286,000 Baht per Programme
- 35,750 Baht per Semester

2. Major: Tourism Business and Events 
- 312,000 Baht per Programme
- 39,000 Baht per Semester

3. Major: Hospitality Business Management 
- 286,000 Baht per Programme
- 35,750 Baht per Semester

4.  Major: Logistics and Supply Chain Management Major
- 312,000 Baht per Programme
- 39,000 Baht per Semester

5. Major: Aviation Business Management
- 416,000 Baht per Programme
- 52,000 Baht per Semester


Programme Structure

(Refer to Bachelor of Business Administration Program Year 2022)