Bachelor of Accounting Programme

School of Management


Degree Academic Programme Length of Programme
B.Acc. Accounting 4 Years


Programme’s Philosophy

The philosophy of MFU's Accounting Program is to produce graduates who possess a range of competencies, including an understanding of ethical principles, a positive mindset towards the accounting profession, and proficiency in financial reporting standards. Additionally, they will be equipped with analytical skills in accounting, be able to effectively apply information technology in accounting, and possess fluency in English to pursue a career as a lifelong learning accountant.

Programme’s Objectives

1.    To produce graduates who possess a strong foundation of knowledge and a comprehensive understanding of accounting subject matter. This knowledge base will align with the International Education Standards regulated by the Thailand Federation of Accounting Professions (TFAC).
2.    To enhance the potential of accounting graduates by providing them with knowledge and comprehension of information technology systems used in accounting. Furthermore, the programme aims to equip them with skills in data management and data analytics.
3.    To foster and instil ethical values and professional attitudes in accounting graduates through a combination of learning processes and extracurricular activities.
4.    To develop the potential of accounting graduates to become proficient in professional accounting practices by providing them with internships and co-operative education opportunities.
5.    To cultivate the potential of accounting graduates to utilize English language skills effectively in both their daily lives and professional duties. This will be achieved through English-language-based teaching and learning methods.
6.    To encourage lifelong learning skills among accounting graduates, empowering them to continually seek and refine their knowledge within the accounting profession.


Programme’s Highlights

Graduates of this programme will have the opportunity to work with leading companies both nationally and globally, such as the Big 4 accounting firms (PwC, KPMG, EY, and Deloitte). These firms are known for providing top-notch professional services in the field of accounting, finance, and consulting. The MFU accounting curriculum includes the following highlights:
1.    IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) - A comprehensive understanding of the latest international accounting standards.
2.    Auditing - The study of auditing theory, practice, and the role of auditors in ensuring the reliability of financial information.
3.    Modern Technology in Accounting and Cybersecurity - Keeping up with the latest advancements in accounting technology and understanding the importance of protecting sensitive financial data through cybersecurity measures.
4.    Data Analytics for Accounting - Understanding how to analyze large amounts of financial data to make informed decisions, including data visualization techniques and financial data mining.
5.    Robotic Process Automation in Accounting - The application of robotics and artificial intelligence to automate routine accounting tasks, improve efficiency, and reduce errors.


Career Opportunities

Graduates can meet the professional requirements of accounting career paths according to the Accounting Act 2543 and the Accounting Profession Act BE 2547 and other related professions, particularly in the area of the public and private sectors of the accounting professions as follows:
(1) Accounting
(2) Auditing
(3) Managerial accounting
(4) Taxation
(5) Accounting systems implementation
(6) Accounting education and technology
(7) Internal audit
(8) Financial and accounting advisory
(9) Other related aspects


Program Learning Outcomes: PLOs

1.    Comply with the ethical standards of the accounting profession and maintain a constructive mindset towards the accounting professions.
2.    Explain the principles, fundamental accounting concepts and various knowledge in business administration related to the accounting professions.
3.    Application of accounting knowledge and business administration principles in real-world scenarios relevant to the accounting professions.
4.    Exhibit proficiency in collaboration and teamwork, as well as demonstrate a sense of accountability and a methodical work approach.
5.    Possess the skills to data analytics using data analysis tools for application in accounting, demonstrate adeptness in the appropriate utilization of contemporary technology in accounting operations, and exhibit the ability to communicate effectively in English both academically and professionally.


Tuition and Fees

Thai Students

  •  240,000 Baht per Programme
  • 30,000 Baht per Semester

Non-Thai Students

  •  312,000 Baht per Programme: (สำหรับนักศึกษาต่างชาติเท่านั้น)
  • 39,000 Baht per Semester: (สำหรับนักศึกษาต่างชาติเท่านั้น)


Programme Structure

  • Programme Structure 
    Total credits:  
    128  credits  (4-year Bachelor’s Degree)
        1. General Education Course              30    credits
        2. Specific Requirement Course         92    credits                                                    
             2.1 Core Course        30    credits
             2.2 Major Required Course    41    credits
             2.3 Program Identity Course 12     credits
             2.4 Major Elective Course      9    credits
        3. Free Elective Course             6    credits

(Refer to Bachelor of Accounting Programme Year 2022)

Link: Bachelor of Accounting Programme